MONSTERS OF SMOKE Bongs How to Clean a Silicone Bong

How to Clean a Silicone Bong

Silicone bongs are becoming more popular among herb and tobacco enthusiasts because of their durability, flexibility, and affordability. Unlike glass bongs, silicone bongs can withstand drops, bends, and twists without breaking or cracking. However, silicone bongs also need regular cleaning to maintain their functionality and appearance. In this blog post, we will show you how to clean a silicone bong using different methods and tools.

Why You Should Clean Your Silicone Bong

Cleaning your silicone bong is not only hygienic but also beneficial for your smoking experience. A dirty bong can harbor bacteria, mold, and other contaminants that can affect your health and the taste of your herb or tobacco. Moreover, a dirty bong can clog the airflow and reduce the efficiency of your hits. Therefore, you should clean your silicone bong after every use or at least once a week to keep it in optimal condition.

How to Clean a Silicone Bong Using Soap and Water

One of the easiest and most common ways to clean a silicone bong is to use soap and water. This method is ideal for regular cleaning or when the resin buildup is not too thick. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Remove the bowl and downstem from the bong and set them aside. You can clean them separately using the same method or using pipe cleaners.
  2. Dump out the used water from the bong and rinse it with warm water. Shake the bong to loosen up any residue inside.
  3. Pour some liquid dish soap into the bong and fill it with warm water. Swirl the water around to create bubbles and reach all parts of the bong.
  4. Use a baby bottle brush or any other soft-bristled brush to scrub the inside of the bong. You can twist and bend the silicone to access hard-to-reach areas. Be gentle around the joint to avoid tearing it.
  5. Rinse the bong thoroughly with clean water until there is no soap left. You can smell the bong to check if there is any odor remaining.
  6. Let the bong air dry upside down on a dish rack or a towel. Make sure there is no water left inside before storing it.

How to Clean a Silicone Bong Using Your Freezer

Another simple and effective way to clean a silicone bong is to use your freezer. This method is perfect for when you are too tired or lazy to clean your bong right after use. The cold temperature will harden the resin and make it easier to peel off from the silicone. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Remove the bowl and downstem from the bong and set them aside. You can clean them separately using soap and water or pipe cleaners.
  2. Rinse the bong with warm water to remove any ash and debris. Shake out the excess water so that there is only a thin film of water coating the inside of the bong.
  3. Place the bong in your freezer for at least an hour or until it is completely frozen.
  4. Take out the bong from the freezer and squeeze it gently to crack the resin. You can also use a wooden spoon or spatula to scrape off any stubborn pieces.
  5. Rinse the bong with warm water to remove any remaining resin or ice. You can also use soap and water if needed.
  6. Let the bong air dry upside down on a dish rack or a towel. Make sure there is no water left inside before storing it.

Tips for Cleaning a Silicone Bong

  • If you want to disinfect your silicone bong, you can use vinegar or bleach instead of soap. However, make sure to rinse it well afterwards to avoid any unpleasant taste or smell.
  • If you want to remove any odor from your silicone bong, you can use baking soda or lemon juice as natural deodorizers. Just add some to your cleaning solution and let it soak for a few minutes before rinsing.
  • If you want to prevent resin buildup in your silicone bong, you can use a screen or filter in your bowl. This will catch most of the ash and debris before they enter your bong.
  • If you want to protect your silicone bong from dust and dirt, you can store it in a ziplock bag or a case when not in use.


Silicone bongs are great for herb and tobacco lovers who want a durable, flexible, and affordable smoking device. However, they also require regular cleaning to keep them in good shape and to enjoy the best flavor and hits. You can use soap and water, your freezer, or other household items to clean your silicone bong easily and effectively. Just follow the steps above and you will have a clean and fresh silicone bong in no time.

For more information on how to clean a silicone bong, you can check out these sources: