MONSTERS OF SMOKE Bongs How to Clean a Silicone Bong

How to Clean a Silicone Bong

Silicone bongs are becoming more popular among herb and tobacco enthusiasts because of their durability, flexibility, and affordability. Unlike glass bongs, silicone bongs can withstand drops, bends, and twists without breaking or cracking. They are also easy to store and transport, making them ideal for travel and outdoor use.

However, silicone bongs also need regular cleaning and maintenance to keep them in good shape and prevent them from getting smelly, sticky, or clogged. Cleaning a silicone bong is not difficult, but it does require some special care and attention. Here are some tips on how to clean a silicone bong effectively and safely.

What You Will Need

To clean a silicone bong, you will need the following items:

  • A baby bottle brush or a pipe cleaner
  • Your favorite liquid dish soap
  • White vinegar or apple cider vinegar
  • Coarse salt or rice
  • Running water
  • A towel or a dish rack
  • A freezer (optional)

Step 1: Disassemble the Bong

The first step is to disassemble the bong by removing the bowl and the downstem. These parts are usually made of glass or metal, so they can be cleaned separately using the same methods as you would for a glass bong. You can soak them in alcohol or vinegar, scrub them with salt or rice, and rinse them with water.

Set the bowl and the downstem aside on a secure place, preferably on top of a thick hand towel or cloth to keep them from rolling over or breaking.

Step 2: Rinse the Bong with Warm Water

The next step is to rinse the bong with warm water to remove any loose ash, resin, or debris. Dump out the used bong water in the sink and let hot water run through the bong for a couple of minutes. Shake the bong to help loosen up the resin. You can also use a baby bottle brush or a pipe cleaner to scrub away any stubborn resin.

Step 3: Add Soap and Vinegar to the Bong

The third step is to add some soap and vinegar to the bong to create a cleaning solution that will dissolve and disinfect the resin. Pour a generous amount of liquid dish soap around the inside of the smoke chamber as well as the base. Then, add half a cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar to the bong. The vinegar will react with the baking soda in the soap and create bubbles that will lift off the resin.

Step 4: Add Salt or Rice to the Bong

The fourth step is to add some coarse salt or rice to the bong to act as a scrubber that will remove any remaining resin. You can use any kind of salt, such as table salt, kosher salt, or sea salt. You can also use uncooked rice or any other small grains that are hard and abrasive. Add at least a quarter cup of salt or rice to the bong.

Step 5: Cover the Openings and Shake the Bong

The fifth step is to cover the openings of the bong with your hands or some plastic wrap and shake the bong vigorously for several minutes. The salt or rice will scrape off the resin from the walls of the bong, while the soap and vinegar will dissolve and disinfect it. Make sure to shake the bong in different directions and angles to reach all parts of it.

Step 6: Rinse and Dry the Bong

The final step is to rinse and dry the bong thoroughly with warm water and a towel. Pour out the dirty cleaning solution in the sink and rinse out any remaining soap, vinegar, salt, or rice from the bong. You can also use a baby bottle brush or a pipe cleaner to clean any hard-to-reach areas. Then, dry off the bong with a towel or let it air dry on a dish rack.

Alternative Method: Freeze the Bong

If you don’t have time to clean your silicone bong right after using it, you can also try freezing it overnight and then peeling off the resin in the morning. This method works best if you rinse out your bong with warm water first to remove any loose ash or debris.

To freeze your silicone bong, follow these steps:

  • Rinse the bong with warm water and shake out the excess water.
  • Place the bong in a freezer-safe plastic bag and seal it tightly.
  • Put the bag in the freezer and leave it overnight or for at least 12 hours.
  • Take out the bag from the freezer and remove the bong from it.
  • Peel off the frozen resin from the bong using your fingers or a knife.
  • Rinse and dry the bong with warm water and a towel.


Cleaning a silicone bong is not hard, but it does require some special care and attention. By following these steps, you can keep your silicone bong clean and fresh for your next herb or tobacco session. Remember to clean your silicone bong regularly to prevent resin buildup and bacteria growth. Happy smoking!