MONSTERS OF SMOKE Bongs How to Clean a Bong: A Proven Method

How to Clean a Bong: A Proven Method


A bong is one of the most popular and effective ways to smoke herb or tobacco. It uses water to cool and filter the smoke, making it smoother and less harsh on your lungs. However, after repeated use, your bong can get dirty and clogged with resin, ash, and bacteria. This can affect the taste, smell, and quality of your smoke, as well as your health. That’s why it’s important to clean your bong regularly and properly.

In this blog post, we will show you a proven method to clean your bong using simple household items. You will need:

  • A sink or basin
  • Coarse salt, rice, or baking soda
  • Rubbing alcohol, vinegar, or another cleaner
  • Clean water
  • Latex gloves
  • A small brush or a pipe cleaner
  • Rubber stoppers or bong plugs

Follow these steps to clean your bong:

  1. Empty the bong and rinse and fill it with warm water. While wearing your latex gloves, empty out your bong as well as you can. Pour out old bong water and remove any spent herb or tobacco. Then give it a good rinse with warm water to remove any remaining solid particles. Finally, fill the bong part way with some of the warm water you’re using.
  2. Disassemble your bong. Take it apart so that the individual pieces can be cleaned. Remove all movable parts, including the pipe and mouthpiece. As you take your bong apart, check for any damage such as chips or cracks. You’ll need to replace any damaged pieces before using your bong again.
  3. Add coarse salt and rubbing alcohol to your bong. Next, you’ll need to add an abrasive and a cleaner into the base of the bong so that they can work together to clean the inside. Coarse salt and isopropyl alcohol typically work best for this, but you can also use vinegar and rice or baking soda. The stronger the rubbing alcohol, the better. Ideally, you would use one over 90%. Alternatively, you can use something like Formula 420, in which case skip the salt. Pour it in and proceed as normal.
  4. Plug the holes and shake it up. Use rubber stoppers or bong plugs to seal the open holes of the bong so that your abrasive and cleaner don’t cause a big mess. Shake it for about five minutes to get the best possible result.
  5. Rinse and repeat. Empty the cleaning solution into a sink and rinse it out completely with clean water. Repeat the cleaning process as many times as you need to, but once is usually enough.
  6. Clean the pipe and mouthpiece. To clean these smaller parts, you can use a similar method as above. Put them in a zipper storage bag with some coarse salt and rubbing alcohol, seal it, and shake it well. You can also use a small brush or a pipe cleaner to scrub away stubborn resin from hard-to-reach areas. Rinse them thoroughly with clean water and let them dry.
  7. Reassemble your bong. Once all the parts are clean and dry, put them back together carefully. Make sure everything fits snugly and securely.
  8. Enjoy your clean bong. Fill your bong with fresh water and pack some fresh herb or tobacco in the bowl. Light up and enjoy the smooth and flavorful smoke from your clean bong.

Cleaning your bong regularly will not only improve your smoking experience but also extend the life of your bong and protect your health. Ideally, you should change the water in your bong after every smoke session and deep clean your bong roughly once a week. You can also use some preventive measures to keep your bong cleaner for longer, such as using screens or filters in the bowl, using ice cubes or cold water in the base, or adding some lemon juice or cranberry juice to the water to prevent resin buildup.

We hope this blog post has helped you learn how to clean a bong properly. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Happy smoking!

