MONSTERS OF SMOKE Bongs How to share your glass bong with others without spreading germs or diseases?

How to share your glass bong with others without spreading germs or diseases?

Sharing a glass bong with your friends can be a fun and social way to enjoy your favorite herb or tobacco. But it can also be a potential health risk, especially during the pandemic. Germs and diseases can easily spread through saliva, mucus, or blood that may be left on the mouthpiece of the bong. So how can you share your glass bong safely and hygienically? Here are some tips to help you out.

What is a glass bong and why use it?

A glass bong is a type of water pipe that is made of high-quality borosilicate glass. It consists of a bowl, where you put your herb or tobacco, a stem, where the smoke travels through, a water chamber, where the smoke is filtered and cooled by water, and a mouthpiece, where you inhale the smoke. Some glass bongs also have percolators, which are additional chambers that further diffuse and smooth the smoke.

Glass bongs are popular among smokers because they offer many advantages over other methods of smoking. Some of these advantages are:

  • Glass bongs produce cleaner, smoother, and stronger hits than joints, blunts, or pipes. The water and percolators remove tar, ash, and other impurities from the smoke, as well as lower its temperature and humidity. This makes the smoke less harsh on your throat and lungs, and more potent in its effects.
  • Glass bongs are more durable and heat-resistant than plastic or metal bongs. They can withstand high temperatures without melting or releasing harmful chemicals. They are also less likely to break or crack than ceramic or acrylic bongs.
  • Glass bongs are more aesthetically pleasing and customizable than other types of bongs. They come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and designs, from simple beakers to elaborate recyclers. You can also accessorize your glass bong with different bowls, stems, percolators, ash catchers, ice catchers, and more.

How to share your glass bong safely?

While glass bongs are great for smoking, they can also be a source of infection if not used properly. Germs and diseases such as COVID-19, herpes, mono, strep throat, flu, colds, hepatitis B and C, and more can be transmitted through saliva, mucus, or blood that may be left on the mouthpiece of the bong. To prevent this from happening, you should follow these steps when sharing your glass bong with others:

  1. Clean your glass bong before and after each use. You can use rubbing alcohol, salt, hot water, vinegar, or specialized cleaning products to sanitize your glass bong. Make sure to rinse it well and dry it thoroughly before using it again.
  2. Use disposable mouthpieces or covers when smoking from your glass bong. You can buy these online or at your local headshop. They are usually made of silicone or plastic and fit over the mouthpiece of the bong. They create a barrier between your lips and the glass, preventing direct contact and cross-contamination.
  3. Do not share your bowl or lighter with others. Use your own bowl or pack a fresh one for each person. Use your own lighter or matches to light your herb or tobacco. Do not pass them around or let others touch them.
  4. Do not cough or spit into the glass bong. If you feel like coughing or spitting while smoking from your glass bong, pull away from the mouthpiece and cover your mouth with your elbow or a tissue. Do not blow back into the bong or let any saliva or mucus drip into the water chamber.
  5. Do not smoke from your glass bong if you are sick or have any symptoms of illness. If you have a fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache, body ache, loss of taste or smell, or any other signs of infection, do not use your glass bong or share it with others. Stay home and seek medical attention if needed.


Glass bongs are one of the best ways to enjoy your herb or tobacco with friends. But they can also pose a health risk if not used properly. To avoid spreading germs or diseases when sharing your glass bong with others, make sure to clean it regularly, use disposable mouthpieces or covers, do not share your bowl or lighter with others, do not cough or spit into the bong, and do not smoke if you are sick or have any symptoms of illness. By following these tips, you can have a safe and fun smoking session with your glass bong.