MONSTERS OF SMOKE Bongs Comton Stash Jar: A Smell-Proof Safe for Your Herbs

Comton Stash Jar: A Smell-Proof Safe for Your Herbs

If you are looking for a way to keep your herbs fresh and secure, you might want to check out the Comton Stash Jar. This is a smell-proof safe jar that comes with a lock and key, ensuring the safety of your stash. It is made from airplane grade aluminum and available in two colors: gold and red. In this article, we will review the features, benefits and drawbacks of the Comton Stash Jar, and compare it with some other custom stash jars on the market.

Features of the Comton Stash Jar

The Comton Stash Jar is designed to be a durable and discreet storage container for your herbs. It has the following features:

  • It is smell-proof, meaning that it prevents any odor from escaping the jar.
  • It has a lock and key mechanism, which adds an extra layer of security and privacy to your stash.
  • It is made from airplane grade aluminum, which makes it strong and resistant to corrosion.
  • It has a capacity of 500 mL, which can hold up to 14 grams of herbs.
  • It has a sleek and stylish design, with a glossy finish and a logo of a lion on the lid.
  • It comes with a travel size zip smell proof bag and a treehouse sticker as bonus items.

Benefits of the Comton Stash Jar

The Comton Stash Jar offers several benefits for herb enthusiasts, such as:

  • It keeps your herbs fresh and potent, by blocking out light, air and moisture that can degrade the quality of your herbs.
  • It protects your herbs from theft, loss or damage, by locking them securely inside the jar.
  • It preserves your privacy and discretion, by hiding any smell or sight of your herbs from others.
  • It enhances your style and personality, by adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to your herb collection.

Drawbacks of the Comton Stash Jar

The Comton Stash Jar is not without its flaws, however. Some of the drawbacks of this product are:

  • It is expensive, costing $59.99 on the Daily High Club website. This is much higher than the average price of other stash jars on the market.
  • It is heavy, weighing 1.5 pounds. This makes it less portable and convenient to carry around.
  • It is limited in color options, only offering gold and red. This might not suit everyone’s taste or preference.

Comparison with Other Custom Stash Jars

The Comton Stash Jar is not the only custom stash jar available for herb lovers. There are many other options on websites like Etsy, Amazon and others. Here are some examples of other custom stash jars that you might want to consider:

Name Features Price
Custom Geode Stash Jar A glass smell proof container with a resin geode design on the lid. You can choose from different colors and sizes. $15.00
Ninja Red Clouds Anime Inspired Herb Grinder Set A set that includes a custom printed herb grinder, stash jar and rolling tray with an anime theme. You can choose from different designs and colors. $13.00
Cannabis Leaf Jar A glass jar with a cannabis leaf design on the lid. You can personalize it with your name or any text you want. $26.00
Mushroom Mandala Stash Jar A glass jar with a bamboo lid that has an engraved mushroom mandala design. You can also request a custom design or text. $15.00
Purple Haze Stash Jar A glass jar with an airtight lid that has a purple haze design on it. It also comes with a matching lighter case. $11.99


The Comton Stash Jar is a high-quality and secure storage container for your herbs. It is smell-proof, lockable, durable and stylish. However, it is also expensive, heavy and limited in color choices. If you are looking for a cheaper, lighter or more colorful alternative, you might want to explore other custom stash jars on the market. Whatever you choose, make sure it suits your needs and preferences, and enjoy your herbs safely and responsibly.

Images source: Daily High Club website