MONSTERS OF SMOKE Bongs How to Deal with a Broken or Cracked Glass Bong and Where to Get It Fixed or Replaced?

How to Deal with a Broken or Cracked Glass Bong and Where to Get It Fixed or Replaced?

If you are a fan of smoking herb or tobacco from a glass bong, you know how frustrating it can be when your precious piece gets damaged. Whether it’s a crack, a chip, or a clean break, you don’t want to throw away your bong just because of a minor flaw. But how can you fix a broken glass bong and make it functional again? And where can you get it fixed or replaced if the damage is too severe? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and give you some tips on how to deal with a broken or cracked glass bong.

How to Fix a Broken Glass Bong Yourself

Before you attempt to fix your broken glass bong yourself, you need to assess the extent of the damage and the type of material your bong is made of. Most glass bongs are made of heat-resistant borosilicate glass, which is harder to repair than acrylic plastic. If your bong is shattered into many pieces or has a large hole, you might be better off buying a new one. However, if the damage is limited to a single crack, chip, or busted piece, you may be able to repair it with some products that are easy to find and use.

Here are some of the most common methods and products for fixing a broken glass bong yourself:

  • Food grade silicone:

    This is a non-toxic and waterproof substance that can be used as a sealant for cracks, chips, and joints in your bong. It does not provide any structural support and can be easily peeled off if needed. Food grade silicone works best for minor damage that does not affect the functionality of your bong. To use it, simply apply it to the damaged area and let it dry for at least 24 hours before using your bong again.

  • Two-component epoxy:

    This is a mixture of resin and hardener that polymerizes into a strong and durable bond when applied to glass. It is water-resistant and heat-resistant, but it may become waterlogged and leak if left submerged for too long. Two-component epoxy works best for fixing clean breaks in your bong. To use it, you need to score and snap off any jagged pieces with a glass cutter and sand the edges smooth. Then, mix the resin and hardener according to the instructions and apply it to the broken pieces. Hold them together until the epoxy sets and let it cure for at least 48 hours before using your bong again.

  • Loctite Glass:

    This is a type of cyanoacrylate glue (similar to super glue) that bonds to glass without any solvents. It is water-resistant and heat-resistant, but it may contain toxic chemicals that you don’t want to inhale. Loctite Glass works best for fixing small cracks or chips in your bong. To use it, simply apply a thin layer of glue to the damaged area and press it together for 15 seconds. Let it dry for at least an hour before using your bong again.

  • JB Weld, Quick Steel, or Plumber’s Putty:

    These are types of metal-filled epoxy putty that can be molded into any shape and harden into steel-like strength. They are water-resistant and heat-resistant, but they may also contain toxic chemicals that you don’t want to inhale. These products work best for fixing holes or gaps in your bong. To use them, cut off a piece of putty and knead it until it becomes soft and pliable. Then, press it into the hole or gap and smooth out the surface. Let it cure for at least 24 hours before using your bong again.

  • Duct tape:

    This is the cheapest and easiest option for fixing a broken glass bong, but also the least effective and aesthetic one. It does not provide any structural support or water-resistance, and it may peel off or catch fire when heated. Duct tape works best for temporarily patching up cracks or holes in your bong until you can get a better solution. To use it, simply wrap it around the damaged area several times and hope for the best.

When choosing a method or product for fixing your broken glass bong yourself, make sure to follow these safety tips:

  • Always wear gloves, goggles, and a mask when handling glass or chemicals.
  • Always work in a well-ventilated area and avoid inhaling any fumes or vapors.
  • Always clean your bong thoroughly before and after repairing it.
  • Always test your bong for leaks and functionality before using it.
  • Always dispose of any leftover materials or waste properly.

How to Get Your Broken Glass Bong Fixed or Replaced by a Professional

If you don’t feel confident or comfortable fixing your broken glass bong yourself, or if the damage is too severe for a DIY solution, you can always get it fixed or replaced by a professional. There are several options for finding a professional who can help you with your broken glass bong:

  • Local glassblower:

    This is the best option for getting your broken glass bong fixed or replaced by a professional. A local glassblower can repair your bong with the same or similar material and style, or create a custom piece for you. You can find a local glassblower by searching online, asking around, or visiting a local head shop. The cost and time of getting your bong fixed or replaced by a local glassblower will vary depending on the extent of the damage, the complexity of the design, and the availability of the glassblower.

  • Online glass shop:

    This is another option for getting your broken glass bong replaced by a professional. An online glass shop can offer you a wide range of bongs to choose from, with different materials, styles, sizes, and prices. You can browse through their catalog and order the bong that suits your preferences and budget. The cost and time of getting your bong replaced by an online glass shop will depend on the shipping fees, delivery time, and return policy of the shop.

  • Local head shop:

    This is the easiest option for getting your broken glass bong replaced by a professional. A local head shop can provide you with a ready-made bong that you can buy on the spot, with no waiting or shipping involved. You can visit a local head shop and check out their selection of bongs, or ask for recommendations from the staff. The cost and time of getting your bong replaced by a local head shop will depend on the quality, variety, and availability of the bongs they have in stock.


A broken or cracked glass bong is not the end of the world. You can either fix it yourself with some common products and methods, or get it fixed or replaced by a professional who can offer you more quality and variety. Either way, you can enjoy smoking herb or tobacco from your glass bong again in no time. Just remember to be careful and safe when handling your bong, and to clean it regularly to prevent any damage or buildup.