MONSTERS OF SMOKE Bongs How to use a glass bong without making too much noise or smell that might bother others or attract attention?

How to use a glass bong without making too much noise or smell that might bother others or attract attention?


If you enjoy smoking herbs or tobacco with a glass bong, you might be wondering how to do it discreetly without disturbing your neighbors, roommates, or family members. Glass bongs are great for delivering smooth and potent hits, but they can also produce loud bubbling sounds and strong odors that can be hard to conceal. Fortunately, there are some tips and tricks that can help you use your glass bong quietly and stealthily. Here are some of them:

Choose a small and simple glass bong

One of the easiest ways to reduce the noise and smell of your glass bong is to choose a small and simple one. Large and complex glass bongs with multiple percolators, chambers, and ice catchers can create more turbulence and diffusion in the water, which can result in louder bubbling sounds and more smoke production. A small and simple glass bong with a single chamber and a basic downstem will have less water volume and less air resistance, which means quieter hits and less smoke. You can find many affordable and high-quality glass bongs online at, Smoke Cartel, or

Fill your glass bong with less water

Another way to minimize the noise and smell of your glass bong is to fill it with less water than usual. The water level in your glass bong should be just enough to cover the bottom of the downstem, so that the smoke can still pass through the water and get filtered and cooled. Filling your glass bong with too much water can create more splashing and gurgling sounds, as well as more drag and resistance when you inhale. Less water also means less odor, as the water can absorb some of the terpenes and other compounds that give your herbs or tobacco their distinctive aroma.

Use a sploof or a smoke buddy

A sploof or a smoke buddy is a device that you can use to filter and mask the smoke that comes out of your mouth when you exhale. A sploof is a homemade device that you can make by stuffing a toilet paper roll with dryer sheets, activated charcoal, or both. A smoke buddy is a commercial device that you can buy online or in some headshops that has a carbon filter inside. To use either of these devices, simply blow the smoke into one end and let it come out the other end as clean and odorless air. This way, you can avoid leaving any traces of smoke or smell in your room or around your house.

Use an air freshener or a candle

If you want to add an extra layer of protection against the smell of your glass bong, you can also use an air freshener or a candle to mask or neutralize it. An air freshener is a spray that you can use to disperse a pleasant scent in the air, while a candle is a wax that you can light up to release a fragrance as it burns. You can choose an air freshener or a candle that has a strong and natural scent, such as citrus, lavender, mint, or pine. You can also look for an air freshener or a candle that has odor-eliminating properties, such as Febreze or Glade.

Use low-temperature flame or an electric lighter

Finally, one of the most important factors that can affect the noise and smell of your glass bong is the flame or heat source that you use to light up your herbs or tobacco. A high-temperature flame, such as from a torch lighter or a match, can create more combustion and smoke, which can make your hits harsher and louder. A low-temperature flame, such as from a hemp wick or an electric lighter, can create less combustion and smoke, which can make your hits smoother and quieter. A low-temperature flame can also preserve more of the flavor and potency of your herbs or tobacco, as it does not burn off as many of the cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds.


Using a glass bong without making too much noise or smell that might bother others or attract attention is possible if you follow these tips and tricks. By choosing a small and simple glass bong, filling it with less water, using a sploof or a smoke buddy, using an air freshener or a candle, and using a low-temperature flame or an electric lighter, you can enjoy your glass bong discreetly and respectfully. Remember to always smoke responsibly and legally, and to respect the rules and preferences of the people you live with. Happy smoking!
