MONSTERS OF SMOKE Bongs What are some fun and creative ways to use a glass bong with friends or alone?

What are some fun and creative ways to use a glass bong with friends or alone?

A glass bong is a device that filters and cools the smoke of your herb or tobacco through water, resulting in a smoother and more enjoyable experience. Glass bongs are popular among smokers who appreciate their durability, transparency, and variety of shapes and colors. But how can you make the most out of your glass bong? Here are some fun and creative ways to use a glass bong with friends or alone.

Try different types of percolators

A percolator is a part of a glass bong that creates bubbles and increases the surface area of the smoke, making it cooler and cleaner. There are many types of percolators, such as tree, showerhead, honeycomb, turbine, and more. Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages, such as airflow, drag, diffusion, and noise. You can experiment with different types of percolators to find the one that suits your preferences and delivers the best performance. Some glass bongs have multiple percolators for extra filtration and smoothness.

Add ice or other liquids to the water chamber

Another way to enhance your glass bong experience is to add ice or other liquids to the water chamber. Ice can lower the temperature of the smoke even more, making it less harsh on your throat and lungs. Some glass bongs have ice notches or catchers that hold the ice cubes in place. You can also try adding other liquids instead of water, such as juice, tea, soda, or alcohol. These liquids can add some flavor and aroma to your smoke, as well as change the density and viscosity of the bubbles. However, be careful not to use liquids that are too acidic, sugary, or sticky, as they can damage your glass bong or make it harder to clean.

Decorate your glass bong with stickers or paint

If you want to personalize your glass bong and make it stand out from the crowd, you can decorate it with stickers or paint. Stickers are easy to apply and remove, and they come in various designs and themes. You can choose stickers that reflect your personality, interests, hobbies, or favorite brands. Paint is another option for customizing your glass bong, but it requires more skill and patience. You can use acrylic paint or spray paint to create your own patterns, images, or messages on your glass bong. Make sure to use paint that is safe for glass and heat-resistant, and let it dry completely before using your glass bong.

Use a glass bong as a centerpiece or a conversation starter

A glass bong is not only a functional device but also a beautiful piece of art. You can use your glass bong as a centerpiece or a conversation starter in your home or at a party. You can display your glass bong on a shelf, a table, or a mantel, and admire its craftsmanship and aesthetics. You can also use your glass bong to spark some interesting conversations with your friends or guests. You can talk about the history, culture, science, or benefits of using a glass bong. You can also share some stories, tips, or tricks about your glass bong experiences.

Have fun with smoke tricks

One of the most fun and creative ways to use a glass bong is to have fun with smoke tricks. Smoke tricks are maneuvers that involve manipulating the smoke in various ways, such as blowing rings, bubbles, tornadoes, or dragons. Smoke tricks can be challenging but rewarding to master, and they can impress your friends or yourself. To perform smoke tricks, you need to inhale the smoke from your glass bong slowly and deeply into your mouth or lungs. Then you need to exhale the smoke gently and steadily while shaping it with your lips, tongue, teeth, cheeks, or hands.


A glass bong is a versatile device that can offer you many fun and creative ways to enjoy your herb or tobacco. You can try different types of percolators, add ice or other liquids to the water chamber, decorate your glass bong with stickers or paint, use it as a centerpiece or a conversation starter, or have fun with smoke tricks. These are just some of the possibilities that you can explore with your glass bong. The only limit is your imagination!