MONSTERS OF SMOKE Bongs How to Clean a Bong with Baking Soda

How to Clean a Bong with Baking Soda


If you enjoy smoking herb or tobacco from a bong, you know how important it is to keep it clean and fresh. A dirty bong can ruin the taste of your smoke, harbor harmful bacteria and fungi, and damage your health. Fortunately, there are some easy and effective ways to clean your bong using baking soda, a natural and inexpensive ingredient that you probably have in your kitchen. Here are some steps to follow to clean your bong with baking soda.

Step 1: Disassemble your bong

The first thing you need to do is to take apart your bong so that you can clean each piece separately. Remove the bowl and the downstem and place them in a ziplock bag. You can also use rubber stoppers or bong plugs to seal the openings of the bong. This will prevent any leaks or spills when you shake the bong later.

Step 2: Pre-rinse your bong

Before you add any baking soda, you should rinse your bong with warm water to remove any loose dirt or residue. Pour out the old bong water and any spent herb or tobacco. Then fill the bong with warm water and shake it gently. Pour out the water and repeat until the water runs clear.

Step 3: Add baking soda and water

Now it’s time to add some baking soda to your bong. Baking soda is a great natural cleaner that can help dissolve and scrub away the stubborn stains and resin from your bong. You can use different methods to add baking soda to your bong, depending on how dirty it is. Here are some options:

  • Pour a mixture of water and baking soda into the mouthpiece of your bong and rinse it well. Let it sit for an hour and then rinse again.
  • Pour half a cup of baking soda into the chamber and fill the bong with vinegar. It will bubble up and loosen the resin. Leave it for five minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • Put the bong in a large pot and pour one cup of baking soda into the neck. Shake it around and then pour two cups of vinegar into the neck. Swish it around and then rinse with warm water.
  • Pre-rinse the bong with warm water and then add baking soda. Shake it around and then rinse again.

You can also add some coarse salt to the baking soda for extra abrasion.

Step 4: Clean the bowl and downstem

Don’t forget to clean the bowl and downstem as well, as they can also accumulate a lot of resin and gunk. You can use the same methods as above, but instead of using the bong, use a ziplock bag. Fill the bag with baking soda and water or vinegar, or both, and then add the bowl and downstem. Seal the bag and shake it well. Let it sit for a few minutes or longer, depending on how dirty they are. Then rinse them with warm water.

Step 5: Dry and reassemble your bong

Once you have cleaned all the parts of your bong, you should dry them thoroughly with a towel or paper towel. This will prevent any mold or mildew from growing in your bong. Then reassemble your bong and enjoy a fresh and smooth smoke.


Cleaning your bong with baking soda is an easy and effective way to keep it in good shape. Baking soda is a natural cleaner that can help remove stains, resin, and odors from your bong without harming your health or the environment. By following these simple steps, you can clean your bong with baking soda in no time.

