MONSTERS OF SMOKE Bongs How to Clean a Bong with Hot Water and Salt

How to Clean a Bong with Hot Water and Salt

If you enjoy smoking herb or tobacco from a bong, you know how important it is to keep it clean and fresh. A dirty bong can ruin the taste of your smoke, harbor mold and bacteria, and damage your health. Fortunately, cleaning a bong is not too difficult, and you can do it with some simple household items: hot water and salt.

In this blog post, we will show you how to clean a bong with hot water and salt in a few easy steps. You will also learn why this method works, how often you should clean your bong, and what other products you can use to keep your bong sparkling.

Why Hot Water and Salt?

Hot water and salt are effective for cleaning a bong because they act as a solvent and an abrasive, respectively. A solvent is a substance that dissolves another substance, in this case, the resin that builds up on the inside of your bong. An abrasive is a substance that scrapes or rubs off another substance, in this case, the stubborn stains that stick to your bong.

Hot water helps to loosen up the resin and make it easier to remove. It also kills any mold or bacteria that may be growing in your bong water. Salt helps to scrub away the resin and stains by creating friction when you shake or swirl your bong. The coarser the salt, the better.

Hot water and salt are also cheap, safe, and easy to find. You probably have them in your kitchen already. Unlike some other solvents, such as isopropyl alcohol or vinegar, they do not leave any unpleasant smell or taste in your bong.

How to Clean a Bong with Hot Water and Salt

There are different methods to clean a bong with hot water and salt, but they all involve some common steps: emptying the bong, rinsing it with warm water, adding salt and hot water, and shaking or swirling the bong to remove the resin. Here is one possible method you can follow:

  1. Empty the bong and rinse it out well with warm water. This will help to get rid of any loose debris or ash.
  2. Take the bong apart so you can clean the pieces. Remove all of the parts you can, including the pipe and the mouthpiece.
  3. Put the pipe and the mouthpiece in a sandwich bag. Add some salt and hot water to the bag. Seal it tightly and shake it well. Let it soak for a few minutes.
  4. Pour three or more tablespoons of salt into the bong via the mouthpiece. The coarser the salt, the better.
  5. Fill your bong with hot water until it is just beneath the shaft line. Be careful not to burn yourself with the hot water.
  6. Cover the openings of your bong with your hands or some plastic wrap. Shake or swirl your bong vigorously for several minutes. You should see the water turning brown as the resin dissolves.
  7. Pour out the dirty water and rinse your bong again with warm water. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the water runs clear and your bong looks clean.
  8. Rinse the pipe and mouthpiece from the sandwich bag with warm water. Use a pipe cleaner or a cotton swab to remove any remaining resin from the holes.
  9. Dry your bong and its parts with a towel or let them air dry completely before reassembling them.
  10. Enjoy your clean and fresh bong!

How Often Should You Clean Your Bong?

The frequency of cleaning your bong depends on how often you use it and how dirty it gets. However, as a general rule of thumb, you should clean your bong at least once a week to ensure you get the best tasting smoke and avoid any health risks.

You should also change the water in your bong after every smoke session to prevent mold and bacteria from growing in it. Moldy or stale water can cause lung infections, pneumonia, or other respiratory problems if you inhale it.

The color of your bong water is a good indicator of when to give it a deep clean. If it is dark brown or black, then it is way past time for you to clean your bong. Fresh water and a clean glass mechanism will improve the quality of your experience and extend the life of your bong over time.

What Other Products Can You Use to Clean Your Bong?

Hot water and salt are not the only products you can use to clean your bong. There are other solvents and abrasives that can also do the job, such as:

  • Isopropyl alcohol: This is a common solvent that can dissolve resin and kill germs. However, it can also leave a strong smell and taste in your bong, so you need to rinse it well after using it. You can use 91% to 99% isopropyl alcohol for best results.
  • Dish soap: This is another solvent that can help to remove resin and dirt from your bong. However, it can also create a lot of bubbles and foam, so you need to rinse it well after using it. You can use any dish soap that is safe for glassware.
  • Vinegar: This is a natural solvent that can help to remove resin and stains from your bong. However, it can also leave a sour smell and taste in your bong, so you need to rinse it well after using it. You can use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar for best results.
  • Lemon: This is a natural abrasive that can help to scrub away resin and stains from your bong. It also has a pleasant smell and taste that can mask any unpleasant odors. You can use fresh lemon juice or lemon slices for best results.
  • Bong cleaner: This is a specialized product that is designed to clean bongs effectively and safely. It usually contains a solvent and an abrasive that work together to remove resin and stains from your bong. It also has a neutral smell and taste that does not affect your smoke. You can find bong cleaners online or in smoke shops.

You can use any combination of these products to clean your bong, depending on your preference and availability. However, you should always follow the instructions on the product label and avoid using any products that are not safe for glassware or human consumption.


Cleaning a bong with hot water and salt is a simple and effective way to keep your bong in good shape. It will help you enjoy the flavor of your herb or tobacco, prevent mold and bacteria from growing in your bong water, and protect your health from any respiratory issues.

All you need is some hot water, some salt, and some elbow grease to get rid of the resin and stains that accumulate on your bong over time. You should clean your bong at least once a week and change the water after every smoke session to maintain its cleanliness and freshness.

You can also use other products to clean your bong, such as isopropyl alcohol, dish soap, vinegar, lemon, or bong cleaner. However, you should always rinse your bong well after using any product and avoid using any product that is not safe for glassware or human consumption.

We hope this blog post has helped you learn how to clean a bong with hot water and salt. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Happy smoking!