MONSTERS OF SMOKE Bongs What are some tips and tricks to enhance the flavor and smoothness of the smoke from a glass bong?

What are some tips and tricks to enhance the flavor and smoothness of the smoke from a glass bong?

A glass bong is a popular device for smoking herb or tobacco, as it filters and cools the smoke, making it more enjoyable and less harsh. However, not all bong hits are created equal, and there are some ways to improve your experience and get the most out of your herb or tobacco. Here are some tips and tricks to enhance the flavor and smoothness of the smoke from a glass bong.

1. Use clean water and a clean bong

One of the most basic but important steps to ensure a good bong hit is to use clean water and a clean bong. Dirty water and residue can affect the taste and quality of the smoke, as well as harbor bacteria and mold that can be harmful to your health. You should change the water in your bong after every session, and clean your bong regularly with alcohol, salt, or specialized products. A clean bong will also look more appealing and last longer.

2. Try different liquids instead of water

Another way to enhance the flavor and smoothness of the smoke from a glass bong is to experiment with different liquids instead of water. Some liquids can add a subtle or strong aroma, taste, or sensation to your smoke, depending on your preference. For example, you can try:

  • Ice water:

    Many users swear by ice water as an exceptional alternative to room temperature water, as it makes for an ultra-smooth smoke that enhances the natural flavors of your herb or tobacco. You can add plenty of ice cubes to your water, or use a bong with an ice catcher for extra cooling. However, be careful not to overdo it, as some people report that ice water can cause respiratory problems if used too often.

  • Hot tea:

    Tea is another popular alternative to regular bong water, as it adds delicious aromas and helps to make hits smoother. You can use any kind of tea you like, such as green, black, herbal, or fruit tea, and brew it according to your taste. The heat of the tea will also make the smoke richer and more aromatic.

  • Fruit juice:

    Fruit juice can add a sweet and fruity flavor to your smoke, as well as some vitamins and antioxidants. You can use any kind of fruit juice you like, such as apple, orange, pineapple, or cranberry juice, but make sure it is 100% natural and not too acidic or sugary. You can also mix fruit juice with water to dilute it if you find it too strong.

  • Milk:

    Milk is a controversial liquid to use in a bong, as some people love it and some people hate it. Milk can make the smoke creamier and smoother, as well as add some protein and calcium to your diet. However, milk can also spoil quickly and create a nasty smell and taste if left in the bong for too long. You should only use milk in small amounts and change it frequently if you want to try this option.

When using different liquids in your bong, you should always be careful not to inhale them into your lungs, as this can cause serious health problems. You should also clean your bong thoroughly after each use, as some liquids can leave sticky residues or grow bacteria faster than water.

3. Use a percolator or a diffuser

A percolator or a diffuser is a device that adds extra filtration and diffusion to your smoke, making it smoother and cleaner. A percolator is usually a chamber with holes or slits that forces the smoke to travel through the water multiple times before reaching your mouth. A diffuser is usually a downstem with holes or slits that breaks up the smoke into smaller bubbles before entering the water. Both devices increase the surface area of the smoke that comes in contact with the water, allowing more toxins and particles to be removed.

You can find many types of percolators and diffusers on the market, such as tree, showerhead, honeycomb, turbine, spiral, matrix, inline, etc. Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of efficiency, drag, noise, splashback, etc. You can also use multiple percolators or diffusers in one bong for extra smoothness.

4. Add some ice or a glycerin tube

If you want to cool down your smoke even more, you can add some ice or a glycerin tube to your bong. Ice will lower the temperature of the smoke and make it less harsh on your throat and lungs. You can use regular ice cubes, or crushed ice for more surface area. However, you should be careful not to add too much ice, as it can melt and overflow your bong, or cause condensation and dilute your smoke.

A glycerin tube is a special device that you can freeze and attach to your bong. Glycerin is a substance that can retain cold temperatures for a long time without freezing solid. A glycerin tube will cool down your smoke without adding any water or moisture to it, making it very smooth and pure. However, glycerin tubes can be expensive and hard to find, so they are not very common.

5. Grind your herb or tobacco finely

Another tip to enhance the flavor and smoothness of the smoke from a glass bong is to grind your herb or tobacco finely before packing it in the bowl. A fine grind will allow more airflow and even burning of your material, resulting in more flavor and less waste. You can use a grinder, a scissors, or your fingers to grind your herb or tobacco, but make sure it is not too fine or too coarse. A good rule of thumb is to grind it to the consistency of coarse salt.

6. Pack your bowl properly

Packing your bowl properly is also essential for getting a good bong hit. You should not pack your bowl too tightly or too loosely, as this can affect the airflow and the burning of your material. A tight pack will make it harder to draw the smoke and cause uneven burning, while a loose pack will make it easier to draw the smoke but cause faster burning and less flavor. You should pack your bowl firmly but not compactly, leaving some space for air to pass through.

You should also not pack your bowl too high or too low, as this can affect the amount and quality of the smoke. A high pack will make it harder to clear the bowl and cause more ash and resin to enter the water, while a low pack will make it easier to clear the bowl but produce less smoke and flavor. You should pack your bowl about halfway or three-quarters full, depending on the size of your bowl and your preference.

7. Inhale slowly and steadily

The final tip to enhance the flavor and smoothness of the smoke from a glass bong is to inhale slowly and steadily when taking a hit. Inhaling too fast or too hard can cause the smoke to become hot and harsh, as well as waste some of your material by pulling it through the water. Inhaling too slow or too soft can cause the smoke to become stale and lose its flavor, as well as waste some of your material by leaving it unburned in the bowl. You should inhale at a moderate pace that allows you to fill the chamber with smoke without burning your throat or lungs.

You should also inhale deeply and hold the smoke in your lungs for a few seconds before exhaling. This will allow more cannabinoids and terpenes to be absorbed into your bloodstream, making you feel the effects faster and stronger. However, you should not hold the smoke for too long, as this can cause more tar and carbon monoxide to accumulate in your lungs, which can be harmful to your health.


A glass bong is a great way to enjoy smoking herb or tobacco, as it offers many benefits such as filtration, cooling, efficiency, and control. However, there are some tips and tricks that can make your experience even better, such as using clean water and a clean bong, trying different liquids instead of water, using a percolator or a diffuser, adding some ice or a glycerin tube, grinding your herb or tobacco finely, packing your bowl properly, and inhaling slowly and steadily. By following these tips and tricks, you can enhance the flavor and smoothness of the smoke from a glass bong, making it more pleasant and satisfying.