MONSTERS OF SMOKE Bongs How Much Water to Put in a Bong: A Complete Guide

How Much Water to Put in a Bong: A Complete Guide

If you are new to bongs, or if you want to improve your smoking experience, you might be wondering how much water to put in a bong. Bongs are one of the most popular ways to enjoy your favorite herb or tobacco, as they filter and cool the smoke for a smooth and satisfying hit. However, if you don’t get the water level right, you might end up with a harsh or unpleasant smoke, or even worse, some nasty bong water in your mouth.

In this guide, we will show you how to find the perfect water level for your bong, depending on its size, shape and features. We will also explain why the water level matters, and how to fill your bong with water properly. By following these simple tips, you will be able to enjoy your bong to the fullest.

How Much Water to Put in a Bong: The Basic Rule

The basic rule for how much water to put in a bong is to have enough water to cover the bottom of the downstem or the percolator. The downstem is the tube that connects the bowl to the base of the bong, and the percolator is any device that creates bubbles and diffuses the smoke inside the bong. Some bongs have multiple percolators in different chambers for extra filtration and cooling.

The reason why you need to submerge the downstem or the percolator in water is to make sure that the smoke passes through the water and gets filtered and cooled. If the water level is too low, some of the smoke might bypass the water and go straight to your mouth, resulting in a harsher and less flavorful hit. If the water level is too high, you might have to inhale harder to pull the smoke through, and you might also risk getting some water splashing into your mouth.

A good way to check if you have the right water level is to take a test hit without lighting the bowl. If you can hear a bubbling sound and feel a smooth airflow, then you have enough water. If you hear a gurgling sound and feel a lot of resistance, then you have too much water. If you don’t hear any sound or feel any airflow, then you have too little water.

How Much Water to Put in a Bong: The Specific Cases

While the basic rule applies to most bongs, there are some specific cases where you might need to adjust the water level slightly. Here are some examples:

  • If your downstem has slits or holes at the bottom for extra diffusion, make sure that all of them are submerged in water. Otherwise, some of the smoke might escape through them without getting filtered.
  • If your bong has multiple percolators in different chambers, make sure that each percolator is submerged in water. You can fill your bong from the mouthpiece and let the water flow down naturally. You might need to tilt your bong slightly to distribute the water evenly.
  • If your bong has an ice catcher or an ice pinch, which is a feature that allows you to add ice cubes to cool down the smoke even more, make sure that you account for the ice melting and adding more water to your bong. You can either add less water at first, or pour out some water as you smoke.
  • If your bong has a splash guard or a splash dome, which is a feature that prevents water from splashing into your mouth, make sure that it is not submerged in water. Otherwise, it will not work properly.

How to Fill Your Bong with Water

Filling your bong with water is not rocket science, but there are some tips that can make it easier and cleaner. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Remove the bowl and the downstem from your bong if they are detachable. This will prevent any ash or residue from getting into your bong.
  2. Fill a pitcher or a bottle with clean and cold water. You can also use distilled water or filtered water if you want to avoid any impurities or minerals that might affect the taste of your smoke.
  3. Pour the water into your bong through the mouthpiece or through the downstem hole. Be careful not to spill any water on yourself or on your surroundings.
  4. Check the water level by looking at the downstem or the percolator. Adjust the water level as needed by adding more water or pouring out some water.
  5. Put the downstem and the bowl back into your bong. Make sure they are secure and not loose.
  6. Take a test hit without lighting the bowl. Check the sound, the airflow and the splash. Adjust the water level as needed.
  7. Enjoy your bong!


Knowing how much water to put in a bong is essential for having a great smoking experience. By following the basic rule of submerging the downstem or the percolator in water, and adjusting the water level according to your bong’s size, shape and features, you will be able to enjoy smooth and cool hits every time. Remember to fill your bong with clean and cold water, and to check the water level before and during your session. Happy smoking!